
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

Our History
Our History
With over 80 years of service, the Cruzada has reached people from the island of Puerto Rico to the concrete streets of New York.
Our Beliefs
Our Beliefs
We believe as Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. -John 14:6
Our Mission
Our Mission
We strive to love as the Lord loves, serve as Jesus served; and council as the Holy Spirit counsels.
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Our History

Cruzada Evangelica y Misionera church began in Puerto Rico by believers of various churches. A spiritual awakening began for these believers around 1936. These brothers and sisters in Christ would meet and would pray for a movement of the Holy Spirit, that would result in unity of the body of believers. They would also pray for an outpouring of miracles,healing and a passion for the souls. From the very beginning, the Cruzada was a movement of God’s Spirit and received its name through prophecy. The Cruzada was incorporated in New York in 1947.

In 1977, Rev. Marcelo Mojica became pastor of the Cruzada. He would hold this position for 26 years. Rev. Mojica had a passion to spread the Gospel and during his tenure he ran several programs to fulfill that mission. Sinai Bible Institute was started in 1977, to train believers in the Bible, the Word of God. Today, many of those who graduated from the institute are now ministers, evangelists, and officials of various churches.

In 2003, due to illness, Reverend Mojica passed the baton to one of his sons, Juan Mojica, who is currently the pastor of the Cruzada. Pastor Juan had put in place a pantry program in Cruzada where people from the community received food for their souls through the Word of God as well as physical nourishment. Cruzada is currently seeking different methods of communicating the gospel during these unprecedented times. We offer Bible studies and discussions utilizing a variety of platforms. Our goal is to offer the Gospel of Jesus Christ to as many people as possible through bible studies, sunday sermons, etc. (check out our Engage page!) throughout the world.

We pray that this ministry will be beneficial to your walk with the Lord!

Our Beliefs

All religions and belief systems are based on a set of truths that they adhere to. In this short introduction to what we believe, we are attempting to share the key points of our beliefs.  For a more in-depth understanding, please refer to the Westminster Creed.

We believe what the Bible teaches, that Mankind has fallen away from God. He is sinful, depraved,desperately wicked and in need of salvation. Saved from what? Saved from God’s anger and righteous judgment against sin, wickedness and rebellion.  The Good News is that God has provided a Means of Salvation. John 3:16 tells us that despite our condition, God still loves us and has sent His only Son Jesus Christ, that through Him we would be saved from His own righteous judgment.  We believe that Jesus will return again to judge those that are living and those that have died. They will be judged based on the God breathed book that we call the Bible, which is God’s Word. We believe that the Bible is inerrant, infallible and is our ONLY source of authority.

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Along with God and Jesus Christ, we believe in the Holy Spirit; who is the third person of the Trinity. As the Bible is taught and preached He brings conviction of sin but he also is called “The Comforter” and we can go to him with our petitions for help in our lives.  We can go to him along with God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ wherever and whenever we are in need of help. The Holy Spirit lives in all true Believers and guides us in all things. Jesus is coming again and soon!! Jesus isn’t coming to plead for sinners to repent, but to bring judgment on those who rejected Him.  Repent, turn from your ways and accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior.

"God Presented Christ As A Sacrifice Of Atonement Through The Shedding Of His Blood To Be Received By Faith." - Romans 3:25


Our Mission

The Cruzada has always held high the value of community outreach. The church being located in the Bronx, NY has instilled this passion for our community and the ways we are able to uplift one another.  Our main goal is to preach and teach the Word of God to as many people as possible by any means necessary. We believe that by joining with other like-minded ministries, we will be able to further the Kingdom of God. It is vital to our church to help the needy (by providing food and clothes), engage with the youth and most importantly feed everyone with the Living Word of God that restores us all.

One example of our youth programs included Project D.E.E.P.  Project D.E.E.P was born out of pastor Marcelo Mojica and his wife Lucy’s passion to reach the children of the community for the Lord. This program provided recreation, the Word of God, and counseling to the youth. During his pastorship, Marcelo Mojica was the president of the March Against Drugs, Inc. for 10 years.

Many churches would come together to march down the Grand Concourse in the Bronx, declaring “Say Yes to Jesus, And No to Drugs!”.  The march would conclude with an evangelistic rally, including singing and preachings. Our outreach continued with the Bread of Life mission, a soup kitchen, in 1991 started by Pastor Juan Mojica. Bread of Life Mission operated for 24 years where it provided hot meals, pantry bags, church services and clothing to many residents of the Tremont/Burnside community in the Bronx, NY.

During those 24 years, people from all walks of life entered through the doors in search for a healing word, prayer and financial support. Our priority was to first feed the souls of the people with the Word of God and then their physical bodies.  Within those years, many people repented from their sins and gave their hearts to our Lord Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances we had to close the doors of Bread of Life Mission several years ago. Once the Bread of Life Mission closed, many new believers joined our church, the Cruzada. We have continued our outreach efforts abroad, in the Dominican Republic.  Fundacion Hazme Reir was founded by missionaries Rafael and Diotista Artilles, of which Rafael was one of the ministers to come out of the Cruzada. The Cruzada has financially supported this children’s ministry in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic. Our support allows the pastors to provide children of all ages with Bible classes, lunch, clothing and gifts during the holidays.

Cruzada has also assisted an evangelical missionary to build a church from the ground up in the Dominican Republic. This was possible with the funds provided by our church to enable them to purchase building materials and install windows.  Through another sister in Christ, we were able to financially help build a church for a large group of Haitian believers. Cruzada also helped to provide resources to partially build a church in Guatemala. 

As a church and the body of Christ, we will continue to help support our communities locally and beyond!

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We help local nonprofits access the funding, tools, training, and support they need

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We help local nonprofits access the funding, tools, training, and support they need

We Build

We help local nonprofits access the funding, tools, training, and support they need

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We help local nonprofits access the funding, tools, training, and support they need


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